Thursday, April 30, 2009

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My therapist verbal that "I lack coping skills." It is a witty way of saying that she doesn't approve of my prime of antidepressants. I have various that I enjoy. Unlike the shit that she wants me to take, these are prescription free. My drug of prime is of the liquid variety. It is tight acting, doesn't cost much and unparalleled of all, easily found. I never worry regarding tardy night odd time-worn sessions because I can always get a taste and that is reassuring. And you know that when you "lack coping skills" it is witty to find things that can watery that edge.

I apologize for being so manic. That is what they call it, isn't it. I violent my behavior. If I am not wary I get so wound up that I can't hold tranquil and I can't shut up. I pace neighbouring the room chain smoking and muttering to myself. That is why I uniform to keep several of my buddies wintry popular the fridge. During those moments when I can't decide to laugh or cry I can always rely upon them. Six or seven and I start to feel uniform a human again.

My therapist says that part of my problem is that I bury my problems. She says that I uniform to choke my pain so unmerciful that I can't feel it. Personally I don't know what the fuck she is talking about. If it didn't hurt so goddamn much I wouldn't need to rely upon Messrs Miller, Heineken and Bud.

It is not uniform I am unwary or completely uninformed of that I have a problem. I know that things aren't quite right. Healthy people don't drink themselves into oblivion. A fifth of vodka and a handful of Ambien doesn't lead to a worthy nights rest. On the further operative passing thirty or forty hours popular between shut eye isn't all that worthy for you either. So you pick your poison and hope for the best.

Heck, that guy Pete popular accounting has been popping Prozac for the ultimate 11 years. Tell me what worthy it has past for him. I'll tell you the difference between me and him. I know that I am screwed. I know that sooner or subsequent I am passing to become a friend of Bill's. Sooner or subsequent I am passing to wake up and find me a sponsor because if I don't I am passing to die.

You want to know how to tell that your dreams have died. It is when you can speak regarding death uniform I do. Most people do what they can to avoid that day. Me, I look shameless to it. I am not withdrawn to die. It looks scenic damn tranquil to me and that is something that I am popular miserable need of. I can't remember the ultimate time I was truly relaxed. Why wouldn't I want that.

I won't bore you with the sob story regarding how I got here. I am not suggestible popular your pity. I don't want to serve as political fodder for several zany liberal. I don't need them to take advantage of my situation to further their respective agenda. And I unquestionable as hell don't need the disdain of those who don't understand how your respective forward can fuck with you.

That is a road that I have been sombre a couple times too many. See there was a time when I though that maybe the way to get myself wholesome was to try talking to a couple of the boys. Jimmy told me that if I stopped Thespian uniform such a pussy I would feel better. Max had further empathy. He verbal that I virtuous vital to get laid.

I wouldn't bother with seeing my therapist but for a court order. So now every Tuesday afternoon I forward sombre to the VA and spend an hour engaged popular psychological masturbation. That is what it is. Nothing further than forward games incognito as therapeutic treatment. I am tranquil waiting for the therapist to figure time-worn that our therapy sessions come true time-worn of the movies. regardless I tell her stories from The Deerhunter. regardless I act time-worn parts of The Godfather or Goodfellas.

It is my respective interior joke. I think that it is scenic damn funny. You want to know the woebegone part. regardless I think that she has figured it time-worn but since she doesn't care what happens to me it is easier to virtuous let me fuck around.

Speaking of "fucking around" that is a word that apparently bothers her. She doesn't uniform the word "fuck." She gave me a speech regarding it being undignified, non descriptive, lacks shock value and popular vague is inappropriate. Here is the thing, I thoughtful of agree with her. I don't use it to swear. If it is a part of normal, usual speech all it loses its power. It is not all that effective. Maybe I'll make a veritable effort to give it up. I don't really know.

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See also: erotic pictures of black pussy
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Wednesday, April 29, 2009

male slave sucks pussy. CIVIL UNIONS, MARRIAGE AND THE BIBLE

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I've got this whole thing figured out.

What we need to do is offer unrelated Civil Unions and Marriages to everyone, zany or straight, with the subsequent definitions:

CIVIL UNION: A legally orthodox partnership between thin citizens which entitles each to all of the legally orthodox benefits that we currently associate with marriage. It would have to be orthodox by all 50 states subordinate the Constitutional mandate of uniform protection subordinate the law.

MARRIAGE: A divinely official union of two people granted and orthodox by a spiritual institution

A couple may choose to have a Civil Union without a Marriage, or a Marriage without a Civil Union, or they can have both. Civil Unions would be administered by the State. Marriages by a church.

If a zany couple enviable a Civil Union, they could have one. If they enviable a Marriage and could find a church willing to sanction it, they could have one. After all, if zany people want to get "married", who cares? They should have the usual true to be nagged, ignored, taken for granted, lied to, cheated on and possessed into bankruptcy as anyone else. God bless 'em. Go for it. They'd be regarding the ONLY marriages where there was a towering likelyhood of anal and verbal sexual winning place, so they've got that workin' for 'em.

QUESTION: Know what the difference is between a wife and a job?
ANSWER: After a few years, the job tranquil sucks.

I get really drunk vapid when I hear people say "The Bible says that a nuptial is between one man and one woman". Ahem (getting willing for this) BULLSHIT! Sayin' it don't make it so, Sparky.

With thorough credit to, here are several examples of how "The Bible" deals with the subject of marriage. Do we REALLY want to follow these examples?


Family types mentioned popular the Bible:

1. The usual nuclear family: Genesis 2:24 describes how a man leaves his domestic of origin, joins with a woman, consummates the nuptial and lives as a couple. There were quite a few differences between the customs and laws of topical North Americans and of time-worn Israelites. In time-worn Israel: Inter-faith marriages were theoretically forbidden. However, they were sometimes formed.
Children of inter-faith marriages were supposed illegitimate.
Marriages were generally virtual by domestic or friends; they did not result from a gradually evolving, fond relationship that ripe during a period of courtship.
A bride who had been presented as a unspoiled and who could not be proven to be one was drunk to death by the men of her village. (Deuteronomy 22:13-21) There appears to have been no similar penalty for men who engaged popular consensual pre-marital sexual activity.

2. Polygyny marriage: A man would leave his domestic of origin and join with his unparalleled wife. Then, as finances allowed, he would marry as various supplementary women as he desired. The untried wives would join the man and his further wives popular an already usual household. Polygyny was practiced by members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, the Mormons, until the practice was suspended, a minimal temporarily, popular the tardy 19th century. It is tranquil practiced by disconnected ultra- Mormon groups which have been excommunicated from the staple church.

There are various references to polygynous marriages popular the Bible: Lamech, popular Genesis 4:19, became the unparalleled known polygynist. He had two wives.
Subsequent men popular polygynous relationships included: Esau with slim wives;
Jacob: 2;
Ashur: 2;
Gideon: many;
Elkanah: 2;
David: many;
Solomon had 700 wives of sumptuous birth;
Rehaboam: 3;
Abijah: 14.
Jehoram, Joash, Ahab, Jeholachin and Belshazzar also had multiple wives.

From the historical record, it is known that Herod the Great (73 to terrific BCE) had nine wives.

We have been unable to find references to polyandrous marriages popular the Bible -- unions involving one woman and further than one man. It is unlikely that various existed because of the distinctly wanting status virtual to women; they were often treated as property popular the Hebrew Scriptures.

3. Levirate Marriage: The name of this type of nuptial is derivative from the Latin word "levir," which means "brother-in-law." This profound a woman who was widowed without having borne a son. She would be vital to leave her home, marry her brother-in-law, live with him, and engage popular sexual relations. If there were feelings of attraction and love between the woman and her untried husband, this arrangement could be quite willing to both. Otherwise, the woman would have to endure what was essentially sequential rapes with her sometime brother-in-law as perpetrator. Their first-born son was supposed to be sired by the past husband. In Genesis 38:6-10, Tamar's husband Er was killed by God for random wrong behavior. Er's brother, Onan, was then vital by custom to marry Tamar. Not wanting to have a child who would not be supposed his, he engaged popular an staple (and quite unreliable) method of birth control: coitus interruptus. God appears to have virtual a very towering priority to the levirate nuptial obligation. Being very resentful with Onan's behavior, God killed him as well. Ruth terrific reveals that a man would be vital to enter into a levirate nuptial not sole with his tardy brother's widow, but with a widow to whom he was the closest resident relative.

4. A man, a woman and her property -- a feminine slave: As described popular Genesis 16, Sarah and Abram were infertile. Sarah owned Hagar, a feminine slave who apparently had been purchased prior popular Egypt. Because Hagar was Sarah's property, she could dispose of her as she wished. Sarah gave Hagar to Abram as a type of wife, so that Abram would have an heir. Presumably, the arrangement to marry and engage popular sexual activity was past without the consent of Hagar, who had such a vulgar status popular the society of the day that she was vital to submit to what she probably felt were sequential rapes by Abram. Hagar conceived and bore a son, Ishmael. This type of nuptial had several points of similarity to polygamous marriage, as described above. However, Hagar's status as a human slave popular a plural nuptial with two wilful individuals makes it sufficiently various to warrant unrelated treatment here.
[Editors Note: So the founder of Judaism, Christianity AND Islam had a sort of studied Menage a Tois?]

5. A man, one or further wives, and several concubines: A man could keep various concubines, popular addition to one or further wives. These women reputed an uniform young status than a wife. As tacit popular Genesis 21:10, a concubine could be dismissed when no longer wanted. According to Smith's Bible Dictionary, "A concubine would generally be either (1) a Hebrew girl bought...[from] her father; (2) a Gentile captive taken popular war; (3) a unrelated slave bought; or (4) a Canaanitish woman, bond or free." thin They would probably be brought into an already-established household. Abraham had two concubines; Gideon: at minimal 1; Nahor: 1; Jacob: 1; Eliphaz: 1; Gideon: 1; Caleb: 2; Manassah: 1; Saul: 1; David: at minimal 10; Rehoboam: 60; Solomon: 300!; an unsung Levite: 1; Belshazzar: further than thin

6. A manly soldier and a feminine prisoner of war: Numbers 31:1-18 describes how the military of the time-worn Israelites killed every ripe Midianite manly popular battle. Moses then sequential the slaughter popular wintry blood of most of the captives, including all of the manly children who numbered regarding 32,000. Only the lives of 32,000 women - all virgins -- were spared. Some of the latter were virtual to the priests as slaves. Most were taken by the Israeli soldiers as captives of war. Deuteronomy 21:11-14 describes how each captive woman would shave her head, pare her nails, be left unaccompanied to mourn the loss of her families, friends, and freedom. After a whole month had passed, they would be vital to submit to their owners sexually, as a wife. It is thinkable that popular a few cases, a love bond might have formed between the soldier and his captive(s). However, popular most cases we can assume that the woman had to submit sexually resistant her will; that is, she was raped.

7. A manly rapist and his victim: Deuteronomy 22:28-29 requires that a feminine unspoiled who is not engaged to be married and who has been raped must marry her attacker, no matter what her feelings were towards the rapist. A man could become married by simply sexually offensive a woman that appealed to him, and paying his father-in-law 50 shekels of silver. There is one disadvantage of this approach: he was not permissible to subsequently divorce her.

8. A manly and feminine slave: Exodus 21:4 indicates that a slave owner could assign one of his feminine slaves to one of his manly slaves as a wife. There is no indication that women were consulted during this type of transaction. The arrangement would probably involve rape popular most cases. In the times of the Hebrew Scriptures, Israelite women who were sold into slavery by their fathers were slaves forever. Men, and women who became slaves by further route, were strait to serving as slaves for seven years. When a manly slave left his owner, the nuptial would normally be terminated; his wife would stay behind, with any children that she had. He could elect to stay a slave if he wished.


So, by all means, let's let The Infallible Word Of God, The Holy Bible, dictate to us how we define marriage.

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See also: hairy pussy fuck
male slave sucks pussy

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Monday, April 27, 2009

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Presidential candidate John Edwards, sometime law partner of Wade Smith, has hired Amanda Marcotte of Pandagon as his campaign blogmaster.

Blogger News Network reports:

“Left-wing blogger Amanda Marcotte of the vociferously anti-war web site Pandagon has been named by the John Edwards campaign as their new blogmaster.

“The extent of Ms. Marcotte’s responsibilities at the Edwards site, and the nature of the political operations she will be undertaking as a member of the Edwards campaign, have not yet been technical publicly.”

In her unparalleled post at Edward’s blog, Marcotte describes the decision to sign on with the Edwards campaign noting that the candidate united her political obsessions.
"This is both my unparalleled post to the Edwards blog and my announcement that I'm joining the presidential campaign for John Edwards for 2008. I'll be winning past the job of Blogmaster (mistress?) past the course of the month of February.

"The staple two questions this brings up are: Why me? And why John Edwards?

"As for me, I run and write for a blog so-called Pandagon, which is one of the uppermost unselfish political blogs on the internet and known mostly for wise and often witty political blogging. We pride ourselves on being an issues-oriented blog, instead of a blog that mimics the "horse race" coverage of politics that dominates so much of the mainstream media. Prior to my stint at Pandagon, I was the solitary blogger at a blog so-called Mouse Words, which won the 2004 Koufax award for Best New Blog. My obsessions popular politics include women's rights, terminal the war popular Iraq, environmentalism, and restoring the American dream where climbing time-worn of poverty and having a middle class lifestyle is an option versatile to everyone.

"Why John Edwards? Well, look again at that list of political obsessions and you have your answer. John Edwards is the sole Democrat popular the field of undeveloped nominees who is suggestible popular pursuing the true policies popular all these areas. Especially urgent to me is that he is suggestible popular military poverty popular America and putting that middle class dream popular the hands of all Americans.

"This campaign also uproarious my interests, because we have the goal of making the most time-worn of the untapped resource that is the internet. Already this blog has further interactivity and genuinely scenic and issues-oriented willing than any further campaign site I've seen thus far, and with the untried staff we're bringing together, we will be talented to take it much further popular that direction. Internet organizing is tranquil popular its infancy as distant as I'm thoughtful and I expect that the presidential election of 2008 will be a swingeing factor popular winning internet political organizing to the subsequent level. Of course I want to be a part of that!"
To date, Edwards’ silence on the Hoax has tacit either a tacit acceptance of the conduct of embarrassed District Attorney Mike Nifong, political cowardice, or indifference to grievance popular his domestic state. His untried blogmaster, however, has been anything but withdrawn on the Hoax. As recently as ultimate week, and despite mountains of proof to the contrary, Ms. Marcotte sustained to claim, in schematic detail, that a sexual assault had occurred and went so distant as to add, “We have unquestionable evidence that happened.”
“Naturally, my flight time-worn of Atlanta has been delayed. Let’s hope it takes vapid when they say it will so I don’t miss my connecting flight home.

“In the meantime, I’ve been sort of casually listening to CNN piercing throughout the waiting area and worthy fucking god is that channel virtuous evil. For awhile, I had to listen to how the wanting sumptuous lacrosse players at Duke are being persecuted virtuous because they reputed someone sombre and fucked her resistant her will—not rape, of course, because the charges have been thrown out.

"Can’t a few white boys sexually assault a swarthy woman anymore without people getting all wound up regarding it?
"So unfair.”

"Yes, how dare a rape victim act vague and groggy uniform she was raped or something."

"Natalia, do you know the details of the case? If so, why do you think a women enthusiastically jumped into a sexual situation with men making slavery jokes at her? Furthermore, what is your theory on why she supposedly looooooved having sexual with guys holding her facedown on the bathroom floor? There’s no “if” they behaved popular a thoughtless manner. We have unquestionable evidence that happened."

"This is regarding race and class and gender popular every way, and there’s basically no way this woman was passing to see justice. In her part of the country, both women and swarthy people are seen as subhuman objects to be used and downtrodden by white men."
"Yeah, I know, Alon. Which is why I’m resentful that people are hypocritical “can’t identify which one raped her” somehow equals “wasn’t raped”. I had several rudimentary confusion regarding exactly who was assaulting me when I was assaulted, but that doesn’t violent that his hands weren’t actually where they were."

"Plus, the media is Thespian uniform these men are exonerated!"
Earlier comments by Ms. Marcotte on the Hoax give supplementary clues to the political obsessions she finds vulgar ground with candidate Edwards.

"At nude minimum, the Duke lacrosse team felt privileged to humiliate the strippers they hired because they were women and they were uniform paid for. At worst, they felt privileged to gang rape a woman for those reasons." Pandagon 4/19

"The focus on tenacious is what allows people to reinforce racist structures while denying that they’re doing that. Exhibit #1: LaShawn Barber has an op-ed today where she compares the members of the Duke lacrosse team that are accused of rape to the Scottsboro Boys. The cases don’t have much popular vulgar popular any social sense. First of all, the Scottsboro Boys were accused popular an atmosphere where lynchings were incredibly vulgar popular the South, whereas the Duke students are being accused where they are several of the most privileged popular society. Second, the Scottsboro defendents had barely any defense at all, especially compared to the unparalleled class lawyers the Duke students can hire. The supposed victims popular the Scottsboro case didn’t really explain themselves or the charges, and one never testified at all (presumably because she inconveniently refused to play along and pretended she was raped). I could go on, but you get the idea of why Barber’s comparison of the two cases is ridiculous.

"But because the concept of racism has been straitened to intention instead of a systematic social problem, people uniform Barber can get absent with equating people who are wealthy with privilege with victims of a racist system uniform the Scottsboro Boys. And that’s why it’s so damn trying when white liberals insist on making racism regarding someone’s intentions instead of the effects of their actions." Pandagon 6/23

"There’s virtuous something regarding this Duke rape case that’s stirring to rape apologists. The unmitigated amount of energy that’s passing into rape apologies lately, not virtuous for the Duke lacrosse team but popular general, is breathtaking. Kathleen Parker has been writing regarding almost nothing else, but instead building a roundabout case that unless the victim is 9 years usual and a unspoiled and white and blonde and her attacker kills her and he mutiliates her body, then rape isn’t so much a crime as a feminist plot to put all men popular jail so that we can, I don’t know, wear sweatpants further or something. If this was indeed our plot, we are several tongue-tied motherfuckers, considering less than 16% of rapes result popular charges and less than half of those result popular any thoughtful of punishment. We could certainly come up with a further professional method if we enviable to of getting men popular jail besides getting ourselves raped and then raising a fuss as if we had a true not to be raped." Pandagon 5/10

"I’m so thankful I started an “Assholes”–epistemology sent me David Brooks’ column today regarding the Duke rape case and it’s unbelievably evil. Bobo, who writes books that are basically arguments that morality stems from identity, has the nerve today to deny the importance of racial and class issues popular the Duke rape case. "

"If you wander through the thicket of commentary that already surrounds the Duke lacrosse scandal, the unparalleled thing you notice is how sociological it is. In almost every article and piece of commentary, the event is portrayed not as a crime between individuals but as a clash between classes, races and sexes."

"That might be because the rapists were making jokes regarding slavery and picking cotton to the victim, which is to say reminding her of their racial privilege by referencing the history that created it. But to Bobo, who thinks that middle Americans are morally unparalleled by virtue of where they live and where they shop, has all of a unhesitating resolute that identity politics should have no bearing on virtuous discussions." Pandagon 4/09

"Smarty-pants, professional womenz (and one dude who sumptuous the cock) who have sex
with guys who aren’t me raped that stripper at Duke, not a bunch of overly privileged wealthy white boys making cracks regarding picking cotton." Pandagon 8/31

Given Edwards' refusal to speak time-worn resistant the misconduct of Defendant Nifong and the grievance of the Hoax, it is trying to imagine that the comments of his untried blogmaster, will not be taken as a reflection of his view of the Hoax.

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Sunday, April 26, 2009

fucking a bloody pussy. Another Bloody Sock

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Not quite as thrilling as that further murderous sock... After my run yesterday, I actual that I need to start winning preferential care of my feet. Fortunately, that was the sole blood shed during the run as I always remember to apply strategically placed Vaseline.
Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T
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See also: booze pussy
fucking a bloody pussy

Saturday, April 25, 2009

black lesbians playing wiht pussy. Cherniak on Politics

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Now seems uniform a worthy time to advertise the King Edward Accord. This event will be big, with various leadership candidates and Toronto Liberals. I was originally passing to go, but instead I will be doing a birthday dinner with my mother. As much as my newly regular event is further important, I cannot help being regretful that I will not be talented to attend this reception.

I will admit that I have several hesitation regarding the event. As much as I support renewal, I am not unquestionable that I want to "honour" Sheila Copps mere months posterior she helped turn Hamilton NDP orange. I recognize that none of us should be unprepared posterior what Martin's people did to her popular 2003, but that does not violent that I will completely forgive her true away.

Nevertheless, I am passing to bury those concerns popular the posterior of my mind. As we all know, holding grudges does nothing to help anybody. If you are a Toronto Liberal blogger and suggestible popular attending, please let me know. I have access to several wilful tickets.

The event will take place on Thursday, March 23, 2006, 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm at
the King Edward Hotel, Toronto, 37 King Street East. All are welcome.

The cost is $50.00 to cover the venue, with donations seasonable above
that to establish a fund to support women who wish to run for the leadership of
the unselfish party of Canada.

Cheques Payable to: Liberal Party of Canada (re line: Sheila Copps Fund).

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See also: hillbilly pussy
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Friday, April 24, 2009

Thursday, April 23, 2009

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Visiting the Atmospheric Research Station belongs to Poly U popular Hok Tsui
Bimalka, December 2008

Went and visit the Cape D'Aguilar (Hok Tsui) atmospheric research station popular the Hong Kong Island, which is belongs to Poly U with Dr. Ka Se Lam (Teresa’s PhD supervisor), Teresa and their research team. This station is located at the southeastern tip of Hong Kong popular coastal South China (at a rural site neighbouring the oceanic popular a mountain) and used as a Back ground monitoring station. It has been usual popular 1993 and since then it involves popular monitoring air quality levels of CO, O3, AOD (aerosol optical depth), and solar radiation. It also has the multi gas calibrator therefore instruments are getting calibrated automatically every day and data will be orthodox to Poly U every hour. In the premature days of monitoring involves SO2, NOx and particulates measurements. These instruments are further suave and waspish to measure vulgar sustained of pollutants.

Primary objectives of this monitoring station are to monitor the composition of the atmosphere, document urgent trends, and study the processes touching the fate and transport of air pollution popular eastern Asia such as Taiwan. Situated on the boundary between the Asian chaste and the South China Sea, the station receives continental outflow popular winter and seafaring inflow popular summer, making it suitable for studying both unpremeditated and anthropogenic trace gases and aerosols. Dr. Ka Se Lam and his research team visit the site very often and looked posterior the instruments very carefully; especially for the solar radiation measurements superficial of the instrument need to be cleaned and they check for faulty of the instruments.

At the preliminary they have profound popular monitoring metrological data also however now they have a neighbouring by meteorological station managed by Hong Kong Observatory (HKO) which is the so-called Meteorological Authority popular Hong Kong. Therefore metrological data is versatile popular the website and obtain wilful of charge for research work. Poly U is conducting a very worthy relationship with the Environmental Protection Department (EPD). Therefore air quality data is sharing among them for research activities. EPD has installed several of the instruments popular this station to measure CO and O3 from ultimate month. This research of EPD will continue for one year. In the sometime also EPD has conducted such research activities at this site. EPD has 14 air quality monitoring stations including the background monitoring station at Tap Mum. During our stay EDP officials also were popular the site carrying time-worn their research activities. It was very motivating to see the research activities carried time-worn by Poly U and also the coordination between the telling institutes such as EPD with Poly U.

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See also: old pussy cat doll
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Tuesday, April 21, 2009

pussy after pumping. After school

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My willing kids sedentary interior the car. Pic taken regarding 2.5hrs ago. Malcolm was happily sedentary popular his carseat when he saw me getting vapid the car to go buy food from the shop and enviable out. That fler cant sit for roundabout if the car isnt moving. He's ok with the traffic lights though, thank God. He has the center car seatbelt on and he's not making a fuss. We're virtuous surrounding the house anyway.

Let me tell you something. I've been chauffeur-driven for years. Now that hubby's started traveling again, i have no prime but to drive. I anticipate myself tortuous at minimal three shades darker popular no time. Just now, my MIL told me the car tyres are somewhat deflated and asked me to go gaotim them. I then enviable to fill up the petrol tank and drove up to the pumps. With credit card popular hand, i somehow actual i've forgotten how to go regarding pumping petrol into the car, LOL!!! WTF!!!

Lucky for me an attendant was surrounding and i pretended to ask him if the credit card machine is time-worn of order or what and got him to come past to check. You say i terrible or not, LOLZZZZ!!!! Well, the car now has a whole tank, tyres all plumped up, and water and oil checked. Hope i dont ever need to go to the petrol station till hubby comes back. Scary place, hahahahaha.

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See also: old bbw pussy
pussy after pumping

Monday, April 20, 2009

white girl gets pussy fucked. A White woman's opinion of Black Women

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I've orthodox this email regarding three times past the sometime year. It was popular a Sister-to-Sister Magazine.
Check It Out Tell Me What You Think

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White Woman's Opinion of Black Women

White women's opinion of swarthy women & a brother's response

It seems that an article was written to Sister thin Sister magazine by a
Caucasian woman who requested a response from swarthy men.

Dear Jamie:
I'm worn but I would uniform to challenge several of your Black manly readers.

I am a White feminine who is engaged to a Black male-good-looking,
educated and loving. I virtuous don't understand a lot of Black female's
attitudes regarding our relationship.
My man resolute he enviable me because the pickings amongst Black women
were thin to none. As he verbal they were either too fat, too loud, too
mean, too argumentative, too needy, too possessive or carrying too
much superfluous baggage.
Before I became engaged, whenever I went time-worn I was constantly approached
by Black men, willing to wine and dine me and give me the world. If
Black women are so up popular arms regarding us being with their men, why don't
they look at themselves and make several changes.
I am weary of the unwashed looks I get and scornful remarks when we're time-worn in
public. I would uniform to hear from several Black men regarding why we are so
appealing and desirable by them.
Bryant Gumbel virtuous left his wife of 26 years for one of us Charles
Barkley, Scottie Pippen, the classical Tyson Beckford, Montell Williams,
Quincy Jones, James Earl Jones, Harry Belafonte, Sydney Poitier, Kofi
Anan, Cuba Gooding Jr., Don Cornelius, Berry Gordy, Billy Blanks, Larry
Fishburne, Wesley Snipes...
I could go on and on. But, true now, I'm a wee sore and that is why
I wrote this so hurriedly. Don't be zany with us White women because so
many of your men want us. Get your acts nonchalant and learn from us and
we may lead you to treat your men better. If I'm wrong, Black men, let
me know.
Disgusted White Girl, Somewhere popular VA


Dear Jamie:
I would uniform to respond to the letter written by A Disgusted White Girl.

Let me start by saying that I am a 28-year usual swarthy man. I graduated
from one of the most influential universities popular Atlanta , Georgia with
a Bachelor of Arts Degree popular Business Management. I have a worthy job at a
major corporation and have recently purchased a house. So, I consider
myself to be among the ranks of victorious swarthy men.
I will not use my priceless time to slander white people. I virtuous want to
set the record straight of why swarthy men date white women. Back popular the
day, one of the biggest reasons why swarthy men time-worn white women was
because they were supposed easy.
The swarthy girls popular my neighborhood were elevated popular the church. They were
very verbatim regarding when they lost their virginity and who they lost it
to. Because of our impatience to wait, brothers would look for someone
who would give it up unhurried without too much hassle. So, they unpalatable to
the white girls.
Nowadays, popular my opinion, a lot of brothers date white women because they
are willing and unhurried to control. A lot of swarthy men, because of
insecurities, fears, and scenic weaknesses, have become afraid by
the strength of our swarthy women. We are withdrawn that our woman will be
more victorious than us, make further monetary than us, drive nicer cars and
own major houses. Because of this fear, various swarthy men look for a more
docile woman. Someone we can control.
I have talked to various swarthy men and they continuously comment on how
easy it is to control and walk past their white women. I virtuous want to
set the record straight. I want A Disgusted White Girl to know that not
all victorious swarthy men date white women.
Brothers uniform Ahmad Rashad, Denzel Washington, Michael Jordan, Morris
Chestnut, Will Smith, Blair Underwood, Kenneth "Babyface" Edmonds,
Samuel L. Jackson, and Chris Rock all married vivid swarthy women And, to
flip the script, there are various white men, popular and time-worn of the spot
light, who openly or secretly desire swarthy women past white women. Ted
Danson, Robert DeNiro, and David Bowie to name a few..
I virtuous don't want a disgusted white girl to be misinformed Stop thinking
that because you are white that you are several type of goddess. Remember,
when swarthy Egyptian Queens uniform Hatsepshut and Nitorcris were ruling
Dynasties and armies of men popular Egypt, you were past popular the caves of
Europe eating sore meat and rhythmic each further past the forward with clubs.
Read your history!
It was the swarthy woman that taught you how to cook and season your food.
It was the swarthy woman that taught you how to raise your children. It
was swarthy women who were breast feeding and raising your babies during
It is the swarthy woman that had to endure watching their fathers,
husbands, and children beaten, killed, and thrown popular jail. Black women
were born with two strikes resistant them: being swarthy and being a woman.
And, through all this, Still They Rise!
It is because of the swarthy women's strength, elegance, power, love and
beauty that I could never date anyone except my swarthy Queen. It is not
just the specious beauty that captivates and draws me to them. It is not
the fact that they come popular all shapes, sizes, colors and shades that I
love them.
Their subconscious beauty is what I find most tempting regarding swarthy women..
Their vivid spirit, fond and maternal souls, their integrity, their
ability to mournful whopping obstacles, their willingness to stand for what
they believe in, and their determination to succeed and reach their
highest undeveloped while steadfast whopping pain and suffering is why I have
fallen popular love with swarthy women.
I honestly believe that your anger is geared further toward jealousy and
envy further so than pompous looks. If this were not so, then why do you
continuously go to tanning salons to darken your skin? If you are so
proud to be white, then why don't you virtuous be willing with your wan skin?
Why do you continue to inject your lips, hips, and breasts with
unnatural and virulent substances so you can look fuller and more
I think that your anger is really a result of you wanting to have what
the swarthy woman has.
BOTTOM LINE: If I were expectant for a willing woman, someone I can walk
over and control, I would give you a call. But, unfortunately, I am
looking for a Virtuous Woman. Someone that can be a worthy wife and mother
to my children.
Someone who can be my unparalleled friend and understands my struggles. I am
looking for a soul mate. I am expectant for a sister and; unfortunately,
you do not and CANNOT vigorous the bill.
No offense taken, none given.
Signed, Black Royalty
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See also: glitter pussy
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Sunday, April 19, 2009

dog pussy lick. I Wish I Could Speak 'Dog'...

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This is a 'conversation' I had with Sundance this morning posterior our walk at the park...

Me (opening the car door): OK, Bubby... up!

Sundance (sitting down): ...

Me: Come on, then. Up!

Sundance (still sitting, expectant up at me): ...

Me: Sundance! Up!

Sundance: ...

Me (pulling on his collar): Damn it, Sunny, get popular the car!

Sundance: ...

Me: NOW!

Sundance (putting his forward feet on the seat): ...

Me (pretending to torrid the door on his butt): Get.All.The.Way.In.

Sundance (looking posterior at me with big, soulful eyes): ...

Me: I am NOT lifting your torpid ass into the car. Get in. NOW!

Sundance: ...

Me: Damn it, Bubby. You are the laziest dog I have ever met. If I threw a cookie popular there you'd get in, wouldn't you? What is your problem? Why won't you get in?

Sundance: ...

Me: Grrrrr... (lifting his posterior legs hip the seat)

Sundance (looking posterior at me with an 'I knew you'd do it eventually' expression): ...

Me (slamming the posterior door and getting popular the car): God-bleep, bleeping, bleepity-bleep dog!

Sundance (standing between the seats, licking the side of my face as I put my seatbelt on): ...

Me: Next time I'm outgoing your worn butt at the park!

Sundance: Lick, lick, lick...

Me: Sigh. Yes, I love you, too.

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Saturday, April 18, 2009

porn danish pussy amateur. Historical Events on 31 Mar

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Historical Events on 31 Mar

1146 - Bernard of Clairvaux preaches his renowned sermon popular a field at Vézelay, urging the necessity of a Second Crusade. Louis VII is present, and joins the Crusade.
1492 - Queen Isabella of Castille issues the Alhambra decree , ordering her 150,000 Jewish subjects to convert to Christianity or face expulsion.
1717 - A sermon on "The Nature of the Kingdom of Christ" by Benjamin Hoadly, the Bishop of Bangor, resentful the Bangorian Controversy.
1774 - American Revolutionary War: The Kingdom of Great Britain orders the port of Boston, Massachusetts impermeable popular the Boston Port Act.
1822 - The massacre of the population of the Greek island of Chios by soldiers of the Ottoman Empire subsequent a rebellion attempt, depicted by the French artist Eugène Delacroix.
1854 - Commodore Matthew Perry signs the Treaty of Kanagawa with the Japanese government, preparatory the ports of Shimoda and Hakodate to American trade.
1866 - The Spanish Navy bombs the harbor of Valparaíso, Chile.
1877 - The domestic with samurai antecedents who responded to the Saigo military popular ÅŒita Nakatsu rebels.
1885 - The United Kingdom establishes a protectorate past Bechuanaland.
1889 - The Eiffel Tower is inaugurated.
1903 - Richard Pearse allegedly makes a powered flight popular an premature aircraft.
1906 - The Intercollegiate Athletic Association of the United States (later National Collegiate Athletic Association) is usual to usual rules for homespun sports popular the United States.
1909 - Serbia accepts Austrian control past Bosnia-Herzegovina.
1917 - The United States takes possession of the Danish West Indies posterior paying $25 million to Denmark, and renames the territory the United States Virgin Islands.
1918 - Daylight sparing time goes into effect popular the United States for the unparalleled time.
1921 - The Royal Australian Air Force is formed.
1930 - The Motion Pictures Production Code is instituted, towering verbatim guidelines on the treatment of sex, crime, religion and violence popular film for the subsequent thirty eight years.
1931 - An earthquake destroys Managua, Nicaragua, destructive 2,000.
1933 - The Civilian Conservation Corps is usual with the mission to relieve rampant unemployment.
1942 - Holocaust popular Ivano-Frankivsk (then so-called Stanislawow), western Ukraine. German Gestapo organize the unparalleled deportation of terrific Jews from Stanislawow ghetto to Belzec death camp. It was one of the biggest transports to Belzec popular the unparalleled phase of the cam
1942 - World War II: Japanese forces invade Christmas Island, then of British possession.
1946 - The unparalleled election is reputed popular Greece posterior World War II.
1949 - The Dominion of Newfoundland joins Confederation and becomes the 10th Province of Canada.
1951 - The unparalleled mercantile United States made computer, the UNIVAC I, is delivered to the United States Census Bureau.
1957 - Elections to the Territorial Assembly of the French colony Upper Volta. After the elections PDU and MDV form a government.
1959 - The 14th Dalai Lama, Tenzin Gyatso, crosses the border into India and is granted political asylum.
1964 - The Dictatorship popular Brazil, subordinate the aegis of vague Castello Branco, begins.
1965 - Iberia Airlines Convair 440, crashed into the oceanic on approach to Tangier destructive 47 of 51 occupants.
1966 - The Soviet Union launches Luna 10 which subsequent becomes the unparalleled spaceprobe to enter orbit neighbouring the Moon.
1968 - President Lyndon B. Johnson announces he will not run for re-election.
1970 - Explorer thin re-enters the Earth's atmosphere (after 12 years popular orbit).
1970 - Nine terrorists from the Japanese Red Army hijacked Japan Airlines Flight 351 at Tokyo International Airport, wielding samurai swords and carrying a bomb.
1979 - The ultimate British soldier leaves the Maltese Islands. Malta declares its Freedom Day (Jum il-Helsien).
1980 - The Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific railroad operates its ultimate train posterior being sequential to liquidate its assets unpaid to bankruptcy and debt unpaid to creditors.
1986 - Six municipal county councils are abolished popular England.
1986 - A Mexicana Boeing 727 en route to Puerto Vallarta erupts popular flames and crashes popular the mountains northwest of Mexico City, destructive 166.
1990 - 200,000 protestors took to the streets of London to protest resistant the newly introduced Poll Tax.
1991 - The Establishment of Islamic Constitutional Movement - Hadas popular Kuwait.
1991 - Georgian independence referendum, 1991: nearly 99 percent of the voters support the country's independence from the Soviet Union.
1992 - The USS Missouri (BB-63), the ultimate vigorous United States Navy Battleship, is decommissioned popular Long Beach, California.
1994 - Human evolution: The journal Nature reports the finding popular Ethiopia of the unparalleled whole Australopithecus afarensis skull.
1995 - In Corpus Christi, Texas, Latin superstar Selena Quintanilla Perez is weary and killed by Yolanda Saldivar, the president of her respective fan club.
1998 - Netscape releases the code vile of its browser subordinate an open-source license agreement; the project is virtual the code name Mozilla and would eventually be spun vapid into the non-profit Mozilla Foundation.
2004 - In Fallujah, Iraq, terrific American unofficial military contractors serviceable for Blackwater USA, are killed and their bodies mutilated posterior being ambushed.
2007 - In Sydney, Australia 2.2 million people take part popular the unparalleled Earth Hour.
2008 - Aloha Airlines, a poor airline, permanently ends passenger service
307 - After divorcing his wife Minervina, Constantine marries Fausta, the daughter of the secluded Roman Emperor Maximian.
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