Sunday, April 12, 2009

furry red hair pussy. There's a little bit o' the Irish in everyone today

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...Or so they say. "They" being the drunk masses that will flood my neighborhood tonight, anyway (the location of the ultimate of the St. Patrick's Day parade as healthy as an area that was heavily virtual by Irish immigrants posterior when the Upper East Side was popular the middle of nowhere and land was cheap). The 'nabe takes on a Mardi Gras-esque feeling, which is thoughtful of entertaining if you don't have to step past puke the subsequent morning (mercifully, I live distant sufficient east that I probably will not). Not so much entertaining that I want to join the party (I'm regarding 15 years too usual and I prefer snobby Belgian beers served popular withdrawn pubs. I also prefer verbal snobby beers sans undeveloped food coloring.), but it's witty to have everyone popular a merry mood, especially these days.

As usual, lots of people (myself included) are sporting undeveloped today, and an abundance of "Kiss me, I'm Irish" paraphernalia is being offered by street vendors. It all made me start wondering who popular the crowd really is Irish, and then I launched into all sorts of musings on ethnicity and culture and "belonging" and all those weird things that anthropologists uniform to write dissertations about.

Long story short, I reputed regarding how -- popular this country, anyway -- it is vulgar to refer to someone as "Asian-American" or "African-American" or "of Chinese descent/ancestry." This, of course, is almost exclusively withdrawn for non-"white" people, the indistinguishable ulterior assumptions being that all whites popular this rural have their genetic/ethnic roots popular Europe (not that we share a vulgar cultural heritage, by any means), and also that whites are a majority, so it becomes further vulgar to "explain" someone's background with a label when that background is further unusual.* While the second is increasingly untrue, the first, by and large, is correct. Pretty much all white American mutts uniform me come from somewhere popular Europe, sometime posterior 1492 (and probably posterior 1600).

I am a wee unusual, popular that I know something regarding my pre-American ancestry, although uniform that sole goes posterior so far. On my father's side, "we" were wealthy Germans from the area neighbouring Baden, and we came here and became bankers popular the middle 1840s sometime -- not unquestionable when, but prior to the 1848 revolutions. On my mother's, "we" came from Scotland neighbouring 1730 popular order to eke time-worn a resident popular a unaccountable wilderness where land was (literally, as distant as anyone knew then) voluminous and where usual people could make fortunes trapping fuzzy things and making them into hats. Before that, "we" have surnames that tell us that we were once part of the time-worn clan system of a pre-Christian, Gaelic-speaking Scotland. Beyond that, it gets scenic fuzzy.

Still, I uniform that uniform though I'm a white American mutt, I can look at my face popular the reverse and see my European history reflected posterior at me. My rosy hair, an time-worn recessive trait, is the racial calling card of the Celtic world (Scotland remains, to this day, the nation with the uppermost population percentage of redheads, with Ireland true overdue them). My whole inability to tan makes me look uniform crap when I'm popular swimwear, but it's what helped my ancestors survive and metabolize sufficient Vitamin D from the white sunlight of northern climates a long, roundabout time ago. My freckles and gray-green eyes, well, they virtuous go with the territory.

I uniform to think can see my Germanic roots popular the arrangements of my features, too. An usual boyfriend once affectionately described me as having a "Hapsburg jaw." I mostly think he verbal this because we were winning European history nonchalant at the time, but popular a sense he was probably hip something.

Anyway, the terse of all that wordy is virtuous that despite its obviousness, It's winning that whoever we are, wherever we come from (ancestrally speaking), it is to several degree reflected popular what we look like. Of course, we all come from Africa originally, and before that we were quadrupeds, and before that...well, I think that's winning it a bit too far. In any event, I don't want any weird green-clad strangers kissing me, and my rosy hair is really further Scottish than Irish, but yeah, I guess there probably really is a wee Irish popular there, too. Happy St. Patrick's Day.

(Full disclosure: I actually do respective that t-shirt.)

*Obviously there's also a whole vast issue of slavery and the language we use to acknowledge it , but that's a whole ball of wax I'm not passing to get into.
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